Thursday, April 5, 2012

Brew Review - Crown Valley Brewing Big Bison Ale

Brewery: Crown Valley Brewing Co
Location: Sainte Genevieve, MO
Beer Name: Big Bison Ale
Style: Belgian Dubbel
ABV: 7.2%
IBU: 23

The beer was poured from a 12oz bottle into a pint glass. The appearance is a deep amber-red color with good clarity. The head is a tad thin and off white with little retention or lacing on the glass. The aroma is very light with hints of dried fruit, caramel and a very faint touch of spice from the hops. This medium body beer begins with a malty sweetness with flavors of bready raisins, dried plums, and dark caramel. Accompanying this is a background of yeasty banana esters. From there it fades to a dash of peppery spiciness that quickly moves into a dry, warming toastiness from the alcohol.

Overall impressions are that it seems slightly thin for style, however this does add to the repeat drinkability of the beer. The aroma could use a boast.  For a big beer with a high ABV it is well balanced and highly palatable.  It could use a bit more carbonation to add a little more crispiness to the beer. The flavor was good but seemed to finish too quickly. The hops were well within range of a dubbel and contributing a nice peppery spice that did not overpower, but added an enjoyable layer to the beer. There was a slight note of diacetyl to the flavor but is not overly offensive. At 7.2% ABV this is a nicely balanced and drinkable beer but seemed to be lacking the full complexity that puts a great Begium Dubbel over the top.

Reason to drink too many.
You spent the late morning building an army of snowman in your front yard. Returning to the comforts and warmth of your home you gear up for the battle that is about to insue. Grabbing your a shovel, hedge axe, and your trusty baseball bat you rush out the front door with a throat wrenching battle cry. This is a day the neighborhood will remember. After all the carnage has finished you retire to your snow fort where you have stashed a six pack of Big Bison ale and conmiserate your great victory.


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