Friday, April 20, 2012

Weeks go bye

For all intensive purposes we have finally sold our house. Which is a great relief in that we no longer have to have random people stop by our house while we leave. I can only image the wonder they have as they descend into my basement and see the various glass containers full of interesting colored liquids with lab like tubes jutting out, thermometers, and other odd science fiction like equipment. They have to wonder, how many refrigerators does one family need? On top of that all the countless empty brown beer bottles neatly and not so neatly placed around my work area. If  Ididn't know any better I'd think it was a meth making operation. Now comes the task of packing all this stuff up and moving it. I guess that fridge full of beers and the kegerator will have to be emptied before the big move. I've got some work (drinking) to do. Fortunately we are moving out of the city and into a nice rural landed place. Growing up a country kid I feel like my kids should have the same experience. That and I can't stand all the noise and lights at night. When you grew up making a big deal about the rareness of a car driving down your street, it's a bit distracting to listen to teens crappy music as they drive by at night. I know that makes me sound old, but really I'm very far off from sitting in my garage watching cars drive by to fast and shaking my cane at them to slow down. The other major factor was the Morton building on the land. Visions of nanobrewery run through my head. I find myself looking at used brewing equipment in the 7 to 10bbl range and think, "I could do this," my inner voice avows. "You got the space, you could get the funds, you have a working knowledge of how to brew, why not?" it beckons. On a side note, the Parkville MO Microbrew Fest( is this Saturday and its highly recommended. Many great local and regional brewers showcasing some tasty beers. I'd advice to go super early if you haven't pre-purchased your glass. Last year we made the trek to the northland and arrived 10 minutes late from the opening time, 1pm, and they were already sold out of glasses. Now I don't know who plans this event but if I was doing it I'd certainly buy way more glasses than I could sell at 30 bucks a pop and have the brewers be the ones that run out of beer first, especially when the event last 4 hours. But that's my suggestion and I wont be attending again. Yeah, I'm still a little bitter, but enjoy.

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